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X-force BIM 360 Design 2014 Key: The Benefits of Collaborative Design with Autodesk BIM 360


UFC documents provide planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and apply to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in accordance with DoD Directive 4270.5 (Military Construction) and USD(AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. UFC are distributed only in electronic media and are effective upon issuance. Read More

X-force BIM 360 Design 2014 Key

The "Facilities Criteria (FC)" designation has been adopted for criteria that are not applicable to all DoD Components. This is specific to facility-type documents only, for example, FC 4-721-10N "Navy and Marine Corps Unaccompanied Housing". Facilities Criteria (FC) provide functional requirements (i.e., defined by users and operational needs of a particular facility type). Differences in functional requirements between DoD Components may exist due to differences in policies and operational needs. FC are applicable only to the DoD Component(s) indicated in the title, and are intended for use with unified technical requirements published in DoD Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC).

WBDG is a gateway to up-to-date information on integrated 'whole building' design techniques and technologies. The goal of 'Whole Building' Design is to create a successful high-performance building by applying an integrated design and team approach to the project during the planning and programming phases.

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There are normally several key families that need coordination via Copy/Monitor from discipline to discipline in a Revit project. This post will focus on plumbing fixtures like toilets. The architect is responsible for the overall layout of the bathrooms. Namely they need to design within accessible design standards. The engineer isn't as worried about placement as they are worried about the sizes of pipe connections, pressures, slopes, and so on. The tool to help the engineer navigate this situation is Copy/Monitor with Type Mapping. This allows the engineer to use their own fixture family with a full complement of connectors and rich parameter data while monitoring the placement of the toilet which is being driven by the architect. The engineer can set the tool up to provide an alert if the toilet is moved by the architect.

If Copy/Monitor is being used for plumbing fixtures for instance, be sure the origin lands at the same place family to family. MEP designers generally like to set the origin of their families in the corner so that the mouse pointer is directly over the corner of the object while deciding on placement. Typically, architects like the origin of an object to be directly in the middle. This is for practical purposes as well. If there are several different sizes, the family will grow or shrink from a central point. The differences aside, if the origins are different, the Copy/Monitor will appear to not have worked and cause confusion.

In recent years, many public and private sector owners have started to require a building information modeling (BIM) component in new construction projects. Although there has been a significant increase in industry-wide acceptance of BIM, it is still not a standard practice in the educational facility sector. This research aimed at exploring the use of BIM in educational facility projects by the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) disciplines. A survey that investigated BIM adoption at the company level, BIM implementation in projects, benefits of using BIM, and obstacles to using BIM was distributed to architects, site engineers, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, and contractors across the United States. The survey results showed that a majority of the respondents from all five disciplines used BIM. BIM was most commonly used for 3D visualization, automation of documentation, and clash detection. The most important benefits of BIM included better marketing and clearer understanding of projects which is crucial for clients such as school students, teachers, and principals. Lack of expertise and need for training seemed to be main obstacles to BIM use. The research contributes to the body of knowledge by showing prevalence of BIM use on educational facility projects and indicating how BIM could help improve collaborative knowledge sharing among designers, contractors, and clients, resulting in better quality educational buildings. These research findings can be used to assist AEC companies that are interested in implementing BIM in the educational facility projects.

In integrated project delivery (IPD), the owner, design team, construction, and operation and maintenance professionals are involved in making decisions in all project phases starting with project programming/pre-design and ending with the operation and maintenance phase. However, in a typical office building, the owner and client are not necessarily the same entity and, thus, clients might be excluded from the design and construction process. On the contrary, in the case of educational buildings, it is important to include the client (e.g., students, teachers, principals, and superintendent) in the process of design, construction, and maintenance of the buildings in order to achieve a high-quality project that would meet the client needs [10]. Previous studies also showed the IPD creates a project environment that allows full utilization of the BIM process; as a result, the client involved in IPD can also benefit from the use of BIM on an educational project [11].

In addition, note that the research presented in this paper was part of a larger study that had a goal to investigate existing use of BIM for educational facilities in the USA and, based on these results, develop guidelines for integrating BIM in this kind of projects. The guidelines were proposed to be used by Florida Department of Education for design and construction of educational facilities. The motivation for this research came from a few examples of BIM standards developed to be used by universities in the USA such as the Ohio State University [32], Indiana University [33], University of Illinois [34], Western Michigan University [35], University of Southern California [36], and Virginia Commonwealth University [37].

According to Ahn et al. [7], Gheisari and Irizarry [4], and Wang et al. [5], BIM can be implemented in the various phases of a project life cycle (planning, design, construction, operation, and demolition). Thus, the product of BIM is a digital model that provides information about, for example, the design (3D), schedule (4D), cost (5D), and lifecycle analysis (6D) [5, 46]. Gu and London [23] showed that BIM does not have to be utilized in all the project phases and activities. The level of BIM implementation on a project can vary from a complex multidisciplinary BIM use in an online collaborative environment through all project life-cycle phases to simple individual/standalone and discipline-/phase-specific building information models [23]. For example, Cao et al. [44] found that in China, almost one-third of the projects used BIM in only one project phase.

In general, use of BIM creates time and cost benefits [7, 45, 47] resulting from increased efficiency, clearer communication of information, collective efforts [6, 25, 48, 49], more accurate design estimates, and reduced number of design changes [6, 48]. More than half (58%) of the companies indicated that the biggest reward of using BIM was a significant reduction of costs due to resolving conflicts while almost half (48%) reported that the main benefit was improved project quality resulting from lower project risk and better predictability of project outcomes [50].

Over 40% of the professionals from all three AEC industry sectors stated that the value of BIM was crucial during the design development and construction documentation phase [50]. Architects and engineers use BIM to evaluate design options and automatically generate accurate 2D drawings from the 3D model [57]. BIM helps transfer information quickly between different design disciplines [57], and, thus, BIM use enhances their collaboration [8]. Architects also use BIM for 3D visualization and communication with owners [44, 51]. BIM helps architects minimize errors and omissions in documents, reduce rework, and decrease design time [43]. With the incorporation of BIM, architects can automate the development of construction documents, like fabrication details and shop drawings that are easily generated for many building systems from the working model. This automation of construction documents allows architects and engineers to spend more time on the design of the project rather than producing and modifying contract documents while also providing higher accuracy of drawings and diminished risk [9, 46]. Individual capabilities and production are optimized by the software because the system allows for faster modeling and simultaneous manipulation of data; one person using BIM can produce more than three people using CAD [9]. 2ff7e9595c


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