Turn the growing collection of videos on your laptop, cell phone, or external hard drive into a full home movie menu production. Select from one of 20+ themed templates* or create your own in the new Template Designer to fully personalize your layout, background, frames, font, music and more.
You can configure the Windows Media Player so that it automatically downloads and installs updates and codec enhancements from the Internet when available. This makes more sense in most cases than manually in the Internet codec packs to search for. Some of the circulating on the Internet, free codec packs are not mature or with malicious software. In the worst cases, these programs break the functionality of Windows Media Player.1. Start Windows Media Player as described above, and then click Tools on the menu bar.2. Click Options.3. On the Player tab, select either Once a day or Once a weekunder Automatic updates.4. Click OK.
Nero 9 Menu Templates Pack 2 [UPD]
Download File: https://jinyurl.com/2vKIXw